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Замечательная 3D галерея для вашего сайта на jQuery
23.06.14, 14:13:24

Вашему вниманию предоставляется замечательная 3D галерея, которая поразит вас своей оригинальностью

Для начала посмотрите ДЕМО


Для данного скрипта рекомендую использовать отдельную страницу

1) После /head вставляйте:
<div id="screen">
<div id="command">
<div id="bar"></div>
<div id="urlInfo"></div>

  <style type="text/css">

#screen {  
position: absolute;  
width: 100%;  
height: 100%;  
background: #000;  
overflow: hidden;  
#screen img, canvas {
position: absolute;  
left: -9999px;  
cursor: pointer;  
image-rendering: optimizeSpeed;  

#screen .href {  
border: #FFF dotted 1px;  
#screen .fog {
position: absolute;  
background: #fff;  
opacity: 0.1;  
filter: alpha(opacity=10);  
#command {  
left: 1em;  
top: 1em;  
width: 130px;  
z-index: 30000;  
border: #000 solid 1em;  
#bar {  
left: 1em;  
top: 1em;  
height: 160px;  
#bar .button {
position: absolute;  
background: #222;  
width: 20px;  
height: 20px;  
cursor: pointer;  
#bar .loaded {
background: #666;  
#bar .viewed {
background: #fff;  
#bar .selected {
background: #f00;  
#urlInfo {  
position: absolute;  
visibility: hidden;  
z-index: 30000;  
padding-left: 12px;  
cursor: pointer;  

2) В самый низ после тега /body вставляйте:
<script type="text/javascript">
  // =============================================================  
  // ===== 3D gallery experiment =====  
  // script written by Gerard Ferrandez - April 5, 2010  
  // http://www.dhteumeuleu.com  
  // use under a CC-BY-NC license  
  // -------------------------------------------------------------  
  // update: April 17 : added hyperlinks, tweaked z-index  
  // =============================================================  

  var m3D = function () {  
/* ---- private vars ---- */  
var diapo = [],  
imagesPath = "http://Ваш сайт/images/",  
camera = {x:0, y:0, z:-650, s:0, fov: 500},  
nw = 0,  
nh = 0;  
/* ==== camera tween methods ==== */  
camera.setTarget = function (c0, t1, p) {  
if (Math.abs(t1 - c0) > .1) {  
camera.s = 1;  
camera.p = 0;  
camera.d = t1 - c0;  
if (p) {  
camera.d *= 2;  
camera.p = 9;  
camera.tween = function (v) {  
if (camera.s != 0) {  
camera.p += camera.s;  
camera[v] += camera.d * camera.p * .01;  
if (camera.p == 10) camera.s = -1;  
else if (camera.p == 0) camera.s = 0;  
return camera.s;  
/* ==== diapo constructor ==== */  
var Diapo = function (n, img, x, y, z) {  
if (img) {  
this.url = img.url;  
this.title = img.title;  
this.color = img.color;  
this.isLoaded = false;  
if (document.createElement("canvas").getContext) {  
/* ---- using canvas in place of images (performance trick) ---- */  
this.srcImg = new Image();  
this.srcImg.src = imagesPath + img.src;  
this.img = document.createElement("canvas");  
this.canvas = true;  
} else {  
/* ---- normal image ---- */  
this.img = document.createElement('img');  
this.img.src = imagesPath + img.src;  
/* ---- on click event ---- */  
this.img.onclick = function () {  
if (camera.s) return;  
if (this.diapo.isLoaded) {  
if (this.diapo.urlActive) {  
/* ---- jump hyperlink ---- */  
top.location.href = this.diapo.url;  
} else {  
/* ---- target positions ---- */  
camera.tz = this.diapo.z - camera.fov;  
camera.tx = this.diapo.x;  
camera.ty = this.diapo.y;  
/* ---- disable previously selected img ---- */  
if (selected) {  
selected.but.className = "button viewed";  
selected.img.className = "";  
selected.img.style.cursor = "pointer";  
selected.urlActive = false;  
urlInfo.style.visibility = "hidden";  
/* ---- select current img ---- */  
this.diapo.but.className = "button selected";  
selected = this.diapo;  
/* ---- command bar buttons ---- */  
this.but = document.createElement('div');  
this.but.className = "button";  
this.but.diapo = this;  
this.but.style.left = Math.round((this.but.offsetWidth * 1.2) * (n % 4)) + 'px';  
this.but.style.top = Math.round((this.but.offsetHeight * 1.2) * Math.floor(n / 4)) + 'px';  
this.but.onclick = this.img.onclick;  
imb = this.img;  
this.img.diapo = this;  
this.zi = 25000;  
} else {  
/* ---- transparent div ---- */  
this.img = document.createElement('div');  
this.isLoaded = true;  
this.img.className = "fog";  
this.w = 300;  
this.h = 300;  
this.zi = 15000;  
/* ---- object variables ---- */  
this.x = x;  
this.y = y;  
this.z = z;  
this.css = this.img.style;  
/* ==== main 3D animation ==== */  
Diapo.prototype.anim = function () {  
if (this.isLoaded) {  
/* ---- 3D to 2D projection ---- */  
var x = this.x - camera.x;  
var y = this.y - camera.y;  
var z = this.z - camera.z;  
if (z < 20) z += 5000;  
var p = camera.fov / z;  
var w = this.w * p;  
var h = this.h * p;  
/* ---- HTML rendering ---- */  
this.css.left = Math.round(nw + x * p - w * .5) + 'px';  
this.css.top = Math.round(nh + y * p - h * .5) + 'px';
this.css.width = Math.round(w) + 'px';  
this.css.height = Math.round(h) + 'px';  
this.css.zIndex = this.zi - Math.round(z);  
} else {  
/* ---- image is loaded? ---- */  
this.isLoaded = this.loading();  
/* ==== onload initialization ==== */  
Diapo.prototype.loading = function () {  
if ((this.canvas && this.srcImg.complete) || this.img.complete) {  
if (this.canvas) {  
/* ---- canvas version ---- */  
this.w = this.srcImg.width;  
this.h = this.srcImg.height;  
this.img.width = this.w;  
this.img.height = this.h;  
var context = this.img.getContext("2d");  
context.drawImage(this.srcImg, 0, 0, this.w, this.h);  
} else {  
/* ---- plain image version ---- */  
this.w = this.img.width;  
this.h = this.img.height;  
/* ---- button loaded ---- */  
this.but.className += " loaded";  
return true;  
return false;  
/* ==== screen dimensions ==== */  
var resize = function () {  
nw = scr.offsetWidth * .5;  
nh = scr.offsetHeight * .5;  
/* ==== disable interpolation during animation ==== */  
var interpolation = function (bicubic) {  
var i = 0, o;  
while( o = diapo[i++] ) {  
if (o.but) {  
o.css.msInterpolationMode = bicubic ? 'bicubic' : 'nearest-neighbor'; // makes IE8 happy  
o.css.imageRendering = bicubic ? 'optimizeQuality' : 'optimizeSpeed'; // does not really work...  
/* ==== init script ==== */  
var init = function (data) {  
/* ---- containers ---- */  
scr = document.getElementById("screen");  
bar = document.getElementById("bar");  
urlInfo = document.getElementById("urlInfo");  
/* ---- loading images ---- */  
var i = 0,
n = data.length;  
while( o = data[i++] ) {  
/* ---- images ---- */  
var x = 1000 * ((i % 4) - 1.5);  
var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000;  
var z = i * (5000 / n);  
diapo.push( new Diapo(i - 1, o, x, y, z));  
/* ---- transparent frames ---- */  
var k = diapo.length - 1;  
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {  
var x = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000;  
var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000;  
diapo.push( new Diapo(k, null, x, y, z + 100));  
/* ---- start engine ---- */  
/* ==== main loop ==== */  
var run = function () {  
/* ---- x axis move ---- */  
if (camera.tx) {  

if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.x, camera.tx);  
var m = camera.tween('x');  
if (!m) camera.tx = 0;  
/* ---- y axis move ---- */  
} else if (camera.ty) {  
if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.y, camera.ty);
var m = camera.tween('y');  
if (!m) camera.ty = 0;  
/* ---- z axis move ---- */  
} else if (camera.tz) {  
if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.z, camera.tz);  
var m = camera.tween('z');  
if (!m) {  
/* ---- animation end ---- */  
camera.tz = 0;  
/* ---- activate hyperlink ---- */  
if (selected.url) {  
selected.img.style.cursor = "pointer";  
selected.urlActive = true;  
selected.img.className = "href";  
urlInfo.diapo = selected;  
urlInfo.onclick = selected.img.onclick;  
urlInfo.innerHTML = selected.title || selected.url;  
urlInfo.style.visibility = "visible";  
urlInfo.style.color = selected.color || "#fff";  
urlInfo.style.top = Math.round(selected.img.offsetTop + selected.img.offsetHeight - urlInfo.offsetHeight - 5) + "px";  
urlInfo.style.left = Math.round(selected.img.offsetLeft + selected.img.offsetWidth - urlInfo.offsetWidth - 5) + "px";  
} else {  
selected.img.style.cursor = "default";  
/* ---- anim images ---- */  
var i = 0, o;  
while( o = diapo[i++] ) o.anim();  
/* ---- loop ---- */  
setTimeout(run, 32);  
return {  
/* ==== initialize script ==== */  
init : init  


  <script type="text/javascript">
  /* ==== start script ==== */  
  setTimeout(function() {  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
{ src: 'Имя_картинки.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' },  
  }, 500);  

В скрипте замените http://Ваш сайт/images/ на путь до папки images на вашем сайте, в которую будут залиты картинки, Имя_картинки.jpg - замените на имена картинок в папке images

Материал подготовлен Apocalypse
Категория: jQuery | Добавил: Apocalypse | Теги: галерея, на, JQuery, Вашего, сайта, для, 3D, замечательная
Просмотров: 380 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0
Имя *: